Libya Crimes Watch (LCW) has documented the kidnapping of Sheikh Muftah Al-Amin Al-Biju, 74 years old, from his farm in the Abu Atni area south of Benghazi on Sunday evening, February 4, 2024. The kidnapping was carried out by a group of masked men wearing civilian clothes and driving four civilian cars. They took him to an unknown location.
According to the Al-Biju family’s account to LCW, the armed men stormed Sheikh Al-Biju’s farm by force of arms, broke down the doors, and terrorized the women and children. The armed men did not identify themselves or show any authorization from the prosecution to arrest or search the house. They also stole a sum of money and personal belongings.
Sheikh Muftah Al-Biju is the Sheikh of the Qadiriyya Sufi Order, one of the Sufi orders in Libya. His farm contains a Zawiya and a Quranic memorization school.
LCW strongly condemns the kidnapping of Sheikh Muftah Al-Biju and considers it a flagrant violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as a suppression and restriction of freedom of religious belief.
We call on the competent investigative authorities in Libya to open an immediate investigation into the kidnapping of Sheikh Muftah Al-Biju and to take all necessary measures to uncover his fate and ensure his safe return to his family.
We demand the immediate release of Sheikh Al-Biju without condition, and we hold the authorities in eastern Libya responsible for his safety.